Thursday, October 10, 2013

Where have all the readers gone...

Today while driving home, well more appropriately flying down I-75, I decided that I'd attempt a little poll.  So I listed a few questions below.  If you feel froggy leave a comment with your answers and we'll see what the data shows.

1) Your age range?
2) Favorite genre to read?
3) Last book read?
4) How do you find new books?
5) Do you regularly read book reviews, if so from where?


  1. I'll bite

    1) Your age range? I'm 23
    2) Favorite genre to read? Paranormal or Romance
    3) Last book read? Mortal Instruments City of Lost Souls
    4) How do you find new books? Hmmm word of mouth I guess
    5) Do you regularly read book reviews, if so from where? Kindle boards sometimes

  2. Guess I should do it myself.

    1) Your age range? 33 ughh so I guess 30-35
    2) Favorite genre to read? Thrillers or some type of sci fi
    3) Last book read? Diary of a teenage superhero LOL
    4) How do you find new books? Word of mouth or just browsing amazon
    5) Do you regularly read book reviews, if so from where? yep, reviews on amazon, blue ink and a few other sites

  3. 1) Your age range? 47
    2) Favorite genre to read? I read several
    3) Last book read? Actual book was Carnival in Peyton Place. Also reading Micro by Michael Crichton. Am listening to Atlas Shrugged. Kindle books would be Taming the Vampire, Purgatory NY (serial and I don't recommend it), "Dirty Sixth Street, Austin". I finished those in the last 3 days. I always have more than one book going at a time.

    4) How do you find new books? onehundredfreebooks, ereaderiq, and hanging out at Kboards.
    5) Do you regularly read book reviews, if so from where? No I generally do not read reviews. But if the book is really good or really bad, I will leave a review.

  4. 1. Age range: 60-65
    2. Favorite genre: scifi/new weird
    3. Last book read: The Shining, in preparation to read Doctor Sleep
    4. Where find new books: books that are in the running for an award
    5. Read book reviews? Where? Amazon

  5. Age...33
    Favorite genre... Christian fiction
    Last book read...Click clack moo cows that type hahaha
    Find books...word of mouth and amazon
    Read book reviews?...yes amazon

  6. Age...33
    Favorite genre... Christian fiction
    Last book read...Click clack moo cows that type hahaha
    Find books...word of mouth and amazon
    Read book reviews?...yes amazon

  7. My turn!
    1) 36
    2) Historical Fiction
    3) Mortal Instruments Book 4
    4) suggestions from friends, suggestions from students (I'm a teacher)
    5) I read the book reviews if I'm searching for a book. I use the Audible app a lot! Before I download a book though, I read the reviews.
